Exchange instructions can be found here
The official exchange Bitcoin (BTC) for Monobank
Rate Bitcoin

- The top-rated company that offers safe withdrawal of digital assets.We provide the possibility of offline exchange in any major city of Ukraine.
- Partnership.95% of users who have effected a transaction through BUYBank for the first time become our regular customers.
- Transparent terms of cooperation.We have a sufficient reserve of fiat currency and do not ask to send coins in advance.
Monobank: buy, exchange, withdraw Bitcoin quickly and profitably
Strong fluctuations in the BTC exchange rate attract lovers of short-term investment. In Ukraine exchangers remain a popular way of conducting transactions with BTC. BUYBank service offers to sell, exchange or buy bitcoin using the Monobank card. You do not need to specify personal data, and it will take 5-10 minutes to process the transaction.
How to exchange bitcoin?
In Ukraine Monobank is rapidly gaining popularity. The first Ukrainian bank without branches and ATMs has a lot of advantages, including free account opening and re-issuance of a card, no commissions, instant transfer of funds.
It is advisable to use BUYBank to exchange bitcoin to the Monobank card. You do not need to register, you do not need to provide documents, and the service works 24/7.
To exchange follow the instructions:
- Go to the home page. Enter the amount of BTC you want to give. On the right, the amount in hryvnias will automatically be displayed.
- Indicate phone number, method of receiving funds (choose from available Monobank), card number. Click "Get UAH."
- Send BTC, fixing the rate and payment to the card will be made after the 2nd confirmation in the Bitcoin network.
Where are BUYBank branches located?
Mon-Fri, 11:00am - 7:00pm
Sat, 12:00am - 4:00pm
Mon-Fri, 11:30am - 6:30pm
Sat, by appointment