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Sell Tether (USDT) in Ukraine

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Min: 0 USD. Max: 0 USD

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+ 0.00%
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Do you want to exchange cryptocurrency for cash? Come to BUYBank official branch!
  • The top-rated company that offers safe withdrawal of digital assets.We provide the possibility of offline exchange in any major city of Ukraine.
  • Partnership.95% of users who have effected a transaction through BUYBank for the first time become our regular customers.
  • Transparent terms of cooperation.We have a sufficient reserve of fiat currency and do not ask to send coins in advance.

How to sell USDT: the BUYBank instruction

Tether (USDT) is a popular stablecoin, sitting at the top of the list of stable cryptocurrencies. The value of USDT is supported by real (fiat) money - the US dollar, which follows from the abbreviation USD. In addition to the dollar, Tether can be backed up by the euro (EURT) and the Japanese yen (YENT). created_at by Tether Limited in 2016, USDT is constantly in a 1:1 ratio with the US dollar.

Tether is based on the blockchain system and is very similar in its parameters to Bitcoin. In 2017, the similarity of these cryptocurrencies affected the bitcoin price, raising it by $400 in just an hour due to the large-scale emission of USDT (Tether) tokens. The main features of Tether are as follows:

  • Security. Tether is secured by the blockchain system;
  • Transparency. The growth of assets supporting cryptocurrency can be monitored by the daily reports of the “Tether limited” company, which are published in the public domain;
  • Price stability. Stable price and its equality to the US dollar reduces volatility to zero while keeping the token price constant.

So, investing in USDT is a great opportunity to save capital and buy other cryptocurrencies with profit.

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Where are BUYBank branches located?

Kyiv, Antonovycha st., 45
Mon-Fri, 11:00am - 7:00pm
Sat, 12:00am - 4:00pm
Odesa, st. Katerynynska, 2
Mon-Fri, 11:30am - 6:30pm
Sat, by appointment